Get your glow on.

  • IPL Skin

    Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high-intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of the following skin problems:

    Vascular lesions including broken facial veins, rosy cheeks and rosacea.

    Pigmentation, freckles and sun spots.

    Facial lines and wrinkles

    Active acne

  • IPL Hair Removal

    Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Hair Removal is a cost-effective way to almost permanently reduce unwanted facial or body hair.

    IPL technology stuns the hair follicle causing the hair to fall out naturally. The light that comes out of an IPL device is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, causing a buildup of energy which turns to heat therefore IPL suppresses regrowth.

  • Laser Tattoo Removal

    Q-switched lasers are a type of laser technology commonly used for tattoo removal. The Q-Switch laser penetrates down to the dermis and shatters the ink using an intense pulse of light energy delivered.

    The number of treatments required to achieve optimal results can vary depending on the size of the treatment area, how long it has been there and the type of tattoo. The number of recommended treatment sessions ranges from three to 10.

  • Laser Carbon Facial

    Carbon Facials, also sometimes referred to as the Hollywood Peel, or Chinadoll Facial, are the perfect treatment technology enhanced exfoliation for competitive salons, spas and clinics.

    Carbon Facials offer clients a completely unique high-tech facial experience.

    Results are both instant and cumulative, leaving clients with visibly smoother and more radiant skin and improved texture after one session.

    There is no post-treatment downtime and a roughly 40 minute treatment time means clients can fit into their busy schedule, or even a lunchbreak.

    Clients seek out Carbon Facials to improve skin imperfections before big events and special occasions.